Monday, February 17, 2014

Come Download the New Record!

If you haven't yet, please visit to come download the new album, Self-Titled, for free! And for everyone has listened to it thus far, thanks! I hope that you enjoy it.

The Trying is on Facebook at and Twitter at Like/Follow me! I pretty much always respond to all notifications/interactions.

ReverbNation -
Back up to #1 on Manchester's electronic charts! Since the last update, I've added the new record, 2007's Anything demo and Scraps EP, and 2006's Born In Winter demo!

YouTube -
I've added playlists for the new album, 2008's Realize, Accommodate, The Most Delicate Muscle, and Overflow! demo, and 2007's "Anything" demo.

Soundclick -
I added 2008's The Most Delicate Muscle and 2006's Born In Winter demo

Bandcamp -
The new album is up here. You can download it from here as well for free or pay-what-you-want!

MySpace -
The new album is up here as well.

I've almost got all the sites updated with my entire discography. Just a few things left!

If you haven't download the Android The Trying app, here it is. Take a picture of this with your phone and it will download. Or if you're reading this from your phone, visit

I'm pumped to have the new album yet and looking forward to sharing it with you all.


Monday, February 3, 2014


The new The Trying album, Self-Titled, has been wrapped up now for approximately six months, yet hasn't been released. I was determined to make the release special and more professional than my previous ones. I spent a lot of time on developing a solid game plan; however, the execution has been delayed and delayed. This isn't due to any personal hang ups but has, unfortunately, been a simple product of lacking funds. I've lacked an income 17 of the last 34 weeks, while facing a significant increase in living cost due to moving to a new city and I just found out I'm basically not going to have a tax return this year. This isn't a pity statement - I'm okay financially, personally. But I just simply don't have the money for much extra, and as I think about what I wanted to do for the release of this record - I know it could end up being close to another 6 months before I release it.

This release plan has failed, which is disappointing. However, the album itself is a success. The idea for this album started in early 2012, shortly after releasing Capitalism Is Sexy. Personally, I was feeling suffocated. I fell into yet another depressive cycle. I was unhappy with where I was and with where I was going. Things just weren't working out. Just months ago, I had been accepted into graduate school and was a few years away from receiving a doctorate degree. Due to very unexpected circumstances coupled by a hard decision, that didn't pan out. And then now, here I was, not in school and working an entry level job. 

I wasn't working toward my goals, but the reason why was simple - I had never had the confidence to set my true goals. The goals that I knew with every fiber of my being I needed to set. 

I love music. I love creating music. I love learning about music. I love producing music. I love what music has done for me and the power it has to make me feel every emotion. I always have. The very first concept I ever had of my future self, as an extremely young child, involved music. That's what I wanted to be when I "grew up" - someone who got to make music a central part of their live, in some way. And I mean, central. 

Since I've known how to write the English language, I have been writing songs. Songs in which I used to sing in to a children's tape recorder that had a microphone attached to it. I had a cheap, children's acoustic guitar that I never knew how to play, but would make songs (consisting entirely of open strums and strings) that I would actually remember, and then stand on my bed, as if it were a stage, and perform to the audience I imagined before me. 

There has never been any doubt, in my heart, of what I "wanted to do." Yet somehow, I never was confident enough to express this. Growing up, getting asked the infamous, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" - my replies were always about something I was interested in at the time, other than music. An artist (drawing), an author, a skateboarder, an architect, a counselor, a teacher...not someone who directly worked with music. And every time I lied to an adult, and then later on, to my peers, about who I "wanted to be" - I lied to myself. Due to my overall curiosity with life, it became easy to convince myself that there were other things I'd be just as happy doing other than music. Something less risky, something more stable. And when I became successful at whatever that was, I'd do music on the side.

So, going back to early 2012 - this realization started hitting me like a ton of bricks. And any remaining doubt I still may have had was obliterated in April of that year where I performed my first (and as of yet, only) The Trying show. This wake-up call was partnered with a real sense of urgency. I felt like I had to make things happen soon or it would never happen. I've since come to reform that concept to simply, "I have to make things happen or they never will." Time is still a factor, but placing too much urgency on something can really make dealing with the inevitable let-downs that will come difficult.

But that pressure - that's what started the new album. It was either going to my last album or the one the changed my life. The album is a reflection of a young adult both apologizing to his inner child for not having the strength to follow his dreams, and simultaneously showing anger to that same child for being a dreamer instead of a do-er.

Ultimately, both of these identities had to be laid to rest, spawning a new identity that had faith in himself – and wouldn’t let their insecurities get in the way of doing what had to be done to find happiness. An intelligent and balanced relationship between logic and heart had to be born. While this new identity is still forming – the album focuses on the death of the old.

I chose to title the album “Self-Titled” (not to be confused with an eponymous title). It refers to a sense of accountability of who and where you are. To understand what has happened to you, and how you have reacted to these events in the past, makes up who you are; and if you want to be someone or somewhere else, then you’re going to have to start doing things differently.

In a weird metaphoric way – keeping this new album to myself feels like baggage. I am excited to present it, albeit in a less spectacular way than I had originally hoped. I have a lot of confidence in the record. The lyrical content is very personal, as always. Production-wise, it’s leaps and bounds ahead of anything I’ve done in the past. I said that about the last record too, and I meant it – and I’m sure the next record I do will be exponentially better produced than Self-Titled as well. That’s the rate of growth I am looking for – something that was lacking before. Musically – it features much more sophisticated song-writing than in the past, and I am very excited for everyone to hear it.

I will make the album available for download, along with a PDF of album art/lyrics, on February 15th. It will be available on the new The Trying website, I will also have it streaming on various websites as well. I look forward to sharing this part of myself with everyone. In the mean time, you can check out the three tracks that I have released from it thus far here.



Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Sleep has been sort of an issue for me for awhile now. I go through fits of insomnia, and even at my best, my ability to be distracted by unexpected sound is dramatic, to say the least. This wouldn't be such a factor if I didn't need at least 8 hours of sleep to function "normally". Due to my need for sleep and my expectation that I may have issues doing so has lead me to be pretty serious about getting sleep. Anyone who knows me knows, short of a life-or-death emergency, not to wake me up. I won't be happy.

My issues with sleep have lead me to, of course, do a little research about sleep - specifically, sleep deprivation (which is what I feel most of the time, regardless of how much sleep I get). Did you know that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers sleep deprivation to be a public health epidemic (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion)?

Check out these graphics from the CDC:

There's a great article on WebMD listing 10 negative side effects (they're all negative, besides more time to "do stuff") here. Feel free to check that out and get a description of each side effect, but I just want to briefly post them here.

1.) Sleepiness Causes Accidents
2.) Sleep Loss Dumbs You Down
3.) Sleep Deprivation Can Lead To Serious Health Problems
4.) Lack of Sleep Kills Sex Drive
5.) Sleepiness Is Depressing
6.) Lack of Sleep Ages Your Skin
7.) Sleepiness Makes You Forgetful
8.) Losing Sleep Can Make You Gain Weight
9.) Lack of Sleep May Increase Risk of Death
10.) Sleep Loss Impairs Judgement, Especially About Sleep

Sleep deprivation can also increase the chances of having a stroke, developing diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer (Huffington Post). All around, not getting the sleep you need is bad news bears.

I just wanted to share a little bit of information and try to shake a smidgen of rust off the writing portion of my brain. I want to close with a brief, but awesome TED Talk about sleep from Arianna Huffington. Sweet dreams.

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Peri, C. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Huffington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Huffington, A. (0). Retrieved from

Sunday, January 26, 2014

LossLess - A New Direction

Back on November 18th, I put LossLess into a temporary hiatus - as it became clear that I wasn't getting anywhere with it. Despite creating 31 songs, I received no interest in any of them. I feel quite confident in the music - and I know enough to know that at the low prices I was offering them for, I must be doing something wrong if I wasn't receiving any interest. So, I put it aside for a short period of time until I could figure things out.

A couple weeks after I went into hiatus, I received an e-mail from a major stock audio provider, telling me that I had been greenlit, and could now submit music to them to be reviewed, and then hopefully, accepted. I had completely forgotten about even submitting to them, so it was a pleasant surprise. This company thought that my production and songwriting was good enough to merit further consideration.

Now, prior to this, I had really just been trying to promote LossLess via social media, with the goal of directing people directly to my music, where they could then reach out to me personally if they were interested in leasing or purchasing any of the songs. I hadn't really been thinking about trying get my music on websites where people go looking for music to lease or purchase. While the direct-selling method I had been trying, I think ultimately will be a very worthwhile way to go (and I will be figuring out how to do this successfully, in the future) - I think that it will also be worthwhile going the stock-audio route.

Going in this direction will force me to try new things, to try and have as diverse of a portfolio as possible. I have been slowly putting up my library on various websites. I haven't made a sale yet, however, I'm not getting discouraged! This is why: most of the sites I'm getting my music onto have review processes, where curators listen to everything submitted and make sure that it's up to par, and just the fact that my music is getting accepted by most of these places tells me that I'm progressing. Had I tried to submit tracks, even a year and a half ago, I don't think they would have been getting accepted anywhere. I'm moving forward, and the lack of sales at the moment aren't going to discourage me, but will keep motivating me to push forward.

If you, or anyone you know, has a need to lease (renting, essentially) or purchase music, here is one site where my music is currently being featured:

People lease music for movies, commercials, web animations, etc. Also, if you're a rapper or a singer and you're wanting music for a demo or an album and you're not musically inclined, or you're just looking for music that's created by people who have been doing it for awhile - this would be for you as well.

I'm staying motivated and look forward to the future of this.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

First Update of 2014

There's never enough time in the day. I wish I had more to update, but I only have a little.

There are no links to all The Trying songs, streaming, on All The Trying videos can now also be found here.

As always, The Trying is on Facebook at and Twitter at Like/Follow me! I pretty much always respond to all notifications/interactions.

ReverbNation -
Like the previous update, The Trying is at #2 on the electronic charts in Manchester. I know we can get back up to #1! Also, I have added four more releases to the page: 2009's Love Songs and Ignorance demo, and 2008's Realize, Accommodate and Overflow! demo.

YouTube -
There are now playlists available for 2009's The Pink Lady Screamed That, "Dresden Is Still Alive!" and Ignorance demo. Also, if you haven't watched the first promo video for the upcoming Self-Titled album, you can watch it here:

I've added 2009's Ignorance demo, and 2008's Realize, Accommodate and Overflow! demo

Don't forget to install the The Trying app for Android! Just scan the image below, or if you're on your phone, visit

While the new album has been finished for some time now, I am working on giving it a proper release. I don't plan on throwing head-spinning amounts of money on it, but I do plan on putting some into it. My income-situation hasn't been the best since last summer, but things seem like they may be picking up soon. I hope to have a release date soon-ish.

In the mean time, head over to any of the sites above or to The Trying's Soundcloud at


Friday, December 20, 2013



Hopeful, yet frustrating. Uplifting, yet discouraging.

As an artist, it's paramount to your identity.

I currently suffer from the dreaded writer's block. Not musically, but lyrically/poetically/verbally. My mind is probably more clouded right now than it has ever been. And that pours into every aspect of my life; as someone who has historically liked to feel creative in all aspects of life. At some point, I must have decided that it would be in my adaptive interest to process the world more mechanically; that "growing up" would only be possible by adding more and more layers of rigid and constricting armor.

Even now, at this moment, I struggle with words. My creativity being intercepted by a mentality that sacrifices flexibility for "efficiency" - while deep down, I question the results. 

But I'll keep faith in this positivistic mentality, for it's all I have.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Update 12/14/13

An update with The Trying. is officially up. It's not very fancy, but it's serving it's purpose as a The Trying hub. Head on over to find anything and everything regarding The Trying.

If you haven't liked The Trying on Facebook, come over to
Aaaaand, if you're not following The Trying on Twitter, come over to

ReverbNation -
I've added 2009's The Pink Lady Screamed That, "Dresden Is Still Alive!" and the Ignorance demo. Come over and check them out.
Also, we've been sitting pretty at #1 on ReverbNation's electronic charts for Manchester, however, recently we've dropped to #2. Let's get back up to #1! Thanks in advance for the support!

YouTube -
I've added a playlist for Archaic Dialect; Static Romantic, and for Love Songs.

Bandcamp -
The Bandcamp page now has the the debut The Trying release, the Born In Winter demo. The Bandcamp page now officially has the entire catalogue!

Soundclick -
The Ignorance demo and The Pink Lady Screamed That, "Dresden Is Still Alive!" are now up on Soundclick.

Soundcloud -
Come on over to the Soundcloud to listen to the top The Trying tracks.

Don't forget to install the The Trying app for Android! Just scan the image below, or if you're on your phone, visit